Why grow local

Dushi Farms Caribbean B.V.

Why Grow Local

Locally grown food is better than imported food and there are a number of reasons why.

By growing local food, we create essential economic opportunities, reduce the environmental impact that might be incurred otherwise, and offer health benefits to people. In addition, it also helps us in bringing the community together and gives people the opportunity to truly make a difference. Not to mention, people prefer local food because it lasts longer and tastes better.

We produce food locally as it helps us in shortening the supply chain. For instance, we reduce the distance that fresh food covers from harvest to your plate. Surprisingly, billions of tons of food deteriorate in transit to customers annually. It means that excessive wastage of food is caused by the import of food.

We have always hoped to reduce food waste and make sure that people around the world can access local food in a more sustainable manner. Therefore, we hope to transform the wasteful long supply chain into a more efficient and localized supply chain that truly benefits the economy, natural resources, and consumers.

It is our goal to build local food production ecosystems for present and future generations. Some of the key benefits of producing locally are as follows:

Controlled Environment Agriculture

One of the key benefits of growing locally is the development and maintenance of a CEA system. For instance, in a local environment, controlled environment agriculture can be practiced. It helps us produce quality food vegetables and fruits that you can consume. Not to mention, we are enabled to produce food that truly benefits you and improves your health.

Profiling and Support of Local Farmers

Typically, when food is imported, local farmers are unable to benefit from it. For instance, they are not offered job opportunities and they are unable to truly utilize the farming potential of their area. However, when it comes to growing locally, it helps in profiling and supporting local farmers. We make sure that Dushi Farms can truly benefit local farmers and help them.

Affordable Healthy Food

A major benefit of producing locally is the availability of affordable and healthy food. When food is imported from other countries, factors like tariffs and transportation costs increase the overall prices of food items. Consequently, many people are unable to purchase the food products they prefer. At Dushi Farms, we make sure to produce locally so that people have access to locally produced and affordable food.

With locally produced food, transportation costs and overall tariffs are reduced to a significant extent. In this manner, people have access to healthier food at the costs they can afford easily without major problems.

Optimal Growth and Climate Controls

Usually, when food is imported, there is no knowing how it is produced. However, when food is produced locally, different controls regarding climate and growth can be enforced easily. This enforcement is further facilitated in a CEA system where controls according to the produce can be adjusted and modified.

Since we use a hybrid CEA to its fullest, we enforce various controls that enhance growth and ensure that optimal yield is produced. We make sure that only quality vegetables and fruits are produced so that people and their health can be benefitted from them.

Local Access to Fresh Food

Obviously, when food is produced locally, it becomes possible for people to access fresh food locally. Typically, when food is imported from different countries, the food arrives after days of transportation. Due to such a long supply chain, the quality of vegetables and fruits deteriorates and they are not fresh anymore.

Since they are not really fresh, they can have an adverse influence on the health of consumers. Moreover, such a long supply chain even raises the likelihood of contamination to food. Meanwhile, when it comes to the food that is grown locally, such issues are not experienced. Instead, fresh food is made available to people and the same goes for Dushi Farms. We produce fresh food and deliver it right to your plate, minimizing its exposure to contamination.

Reduced Contamination Risk

Local production plays an important role in reducing the risk of food being contaminated. After all, its storage time is reduced, which means its freshness is protected. When food is imported from different countries, it is subject to long supply chains. It tends to increase the likelihood of food being contaminated by different substances.

Other than just taking the freshness away, it also takes away the healthy nature of food. Dushi Farms produces local tasty food, which is not subject to long supply chains. Thus, it is not only fresh but also healthy since it is not exposed to any contamination. You can consume the food and it will truly improve your health.

Consistent Supply

Local production of food ensures that you can expect a consistent supply of food items. For instance, you can always expect Dushi Farms to produce healthy vegetables and fruits all the time. You can expect to purchase them from your nearest superstore.

However, when food is not produced locally and it is imported, there is no knowing when you can expect the next supply. In fact, it is highly likely that you may not get the same products again. It is quite common to experience fluctuations and changes in the supply of foreign products. The same does not apply to the food that is grown locally.

Fresh and Healthy Food

We all need food that can truly benefit us and improve our health. It is only possible if the food itself is fresh. If the food is not even fresh, it is unlikely that it will be healthy and uncontaminated. Imported food products and items are exposed to contamination because they are subject to long supply chains.

On the other hand, locally produced food or vegetables and fruits by Dushi Farms are fresh and healthy. It is primarily because they are not subject to long supply chains. Instead, they are brought to you as soon as they are cultivated. It means they are fresh and healthy, and can truly improve your health.

Short Supply Chain

When food is produced locally, it shortens the supply chain. For instance, the distance that must be covered is reduced, which helps in reducing the overall size of the supply chain. It means that the freshness and health of food items and products are maintained.

Otherwise, it becomes hard to maintain the freshness of food products. Moreover, high tariffs and transportation costs cause the overall prices of products to rise. For instance, since Dushi Farms produces food locally, it is able to maintain a rather short supply chain. It helps in keeping the overall costs of transportation low and delivering more affordable food products to people. They are enabled to purchase healthy vegetables and fruits at the prices they can afford easily.

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